Knotty Pine Headquarters: A little bit about me and the base names behind the yarn
Wyoming mother, maker, mountain adventurer and indie dyer behind Knotty Pine Fiber Co. Many of the yarn bases in my shop are named after places in the Mountain ranges of Wyoming that have been a big part of my life. My husband proposed to me while hunting in the Medicine Bow Mountains.The Snowy Range is a sub range of the area and the name of our MCN base. We then got married in Cody East of Yellowstone in the Absaroka Range, our merino single base carries that special name. Copper Mountain holds special hunting memories with my dad and also represents Thermopolis which will always be dear to me as it is where I lived as a child and where my grandparents had a beautiful ranch along the river. I think that's where my love of the outdoors began. Copper Mountain is our Merino Yak base. I grew up in Douglas, and Esterbrook holds many memories of going to see the Aspen trees change in the fall, camping at Friend Park on Laramie Peak, and really becoming fond of the Mountains in the early years of my life. Esterbrook is the name of our Donegal Tweed base. I spent 13 years living in Casper, where I met my husband Mike and his two wonderful children Jay and Emmie. We later married and added two more little ones to our family, Aspen and Summit. We have had many camping trips, hikes and adventures on Casper Mountain and always attend the Beartrap Music Festival every summer in the Beartrap Meadow. You will find our BFL base carrying that name. I also have some bases named after Wyoming references such as the Jackalope, a mythical Wyoming creature and our Suri Alpaca base, and the Sundance Kid a Wyoming outlaw and the name of our Kid Silk Mohair, It just had to be done. As I add more bases to the shop I suppose I'll be adding to this biography of my love for Wyoming wilderness. I've been a passionate fiber artist for 11 years. This happens to be the one trail that I can't quit traveling down. I'm continuously fascinated by all the various ways I can spend my days with yarn and fiber running through my fingers. Thank you for being a part of my fiber journey.